Monday, January 2, 2012

Battle Report - ZvP on The Shattered Temple

I am going to write a battle report on a ZvP on The Shattered Temple, and I will try my best to explain why I do things the way I do and to bring you entertainment. So, let's begin!

I am the red Zerg starting at the six 'oclock position, and my opponent is the blue Protoss starting at the nine o'clock position.

 Next, I usually do a 9 overlord, drone, gas trick, then drone to get the 11th drone just a tiny bit faster.

Then, I do 15 pool and 16 hatch usually when the opponent's worker is not blocking my natural expansion. I get gas at around 20~21/26 and get zergling's speed upgrade.

Notice here that I have sent my second overlord to my close position's ramp to spot any probes that can build a proxy pylon. Also, I scout the edges of other places with my zerglings. I quickly kill the probe with two zerglings to prevent any super early push.

Now that my ling speed upgrade has finished, I make my lings work on my opponent's third's back rock.

Meanwhile, my opponent pushes into my natural expansion with 5 sentries and a zealot to see what I am up to and possibly do some damage.

However, the early push gets quickly denied by my speedlings that were working on my opponent's third's back rock and also a few of my roaches.

After a while, I finish upgrading tunneling claws for my roaches and push into my oppoonent's third to see what units he has, and then I unburrow them to kill off his sentries.

Since my opponent has almost all of his armies at his third, I harass his main with my mutalisks.
Then when he moves all his stalkers to defend his main, I run in with my lings and some roaches to his third to kill more probes.
Now I have 67 drones, and he has 36 probes. I build spine crawlers just in case he decides to mass up his armies and push towards me to kill me. My spine crawlers will help me buy time to tech to Hive.
Since he has many immortals and stalkers, I make hydralisks to fend him off and stop pushing towards me. This will also help me buy time to tech to Hive and get broodlords later.
But oh no! my gold expansion is destroyed by some zealots and dark templars! I rebuild my gold expansion later.
Now my opponent takes his gold expansion.
While he's taking his gold expansion, I already am morphing my broodlords.
My opponent decides to engage me at the center, but since I have roaches, hydralisks, and broodlords, he can't engage me and decides to retreat.
My opponent must defend his gold expansion; otherwise, he can't win this game. He decides to blink his stalkers closer to my broodlords. This will not go well for him.
Next, he loses all his colossi to my roaches and banelings.
But from somewhere far, far away, hero zealots take out my third! O.o
I try to mow down his main with my roaches and hydras, but he defends his main well with powerful archons and voidrays and stalkers at the bottom of his main.
My opponent tries to double expand at the twelve o'clock position and at the one o'clock position. He has no other choices.
I am almost maxed again, and I kill his expansion soon with roaches, hydralisks, and four infestors.
Finally, we exchange gg's, and the epic game is over!
Thank you for reading! :)

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